Original Vintage & Restored Leather Keyrings for Classic Cars & Motorcycles


Black leather keyrings produced from replica RUSSIA LEATHER


Black leather keyrings produced from replica RUSSIA LEATHER .

After research & study carried out over a period of 6 years the only remaining Traditional Oak Bark Tannery in Britain ( J & FJ Baker of Colyton in Devon ) has now produced a very close replica of the legendary Russia Leather .

As one of the very few concerns to have originally been lucky enough to have taken stocks of the original hide 20 years ago and worked with the hides since :- we are in a very good position to judge the accuracy and quality of this replica hide – which is outstanding .

We still have very small stocks of the original hide and keyrings made from this material can still be purchased from this website shop .

The description and story of the original leather can be seen in the listings for keyrings produced from the original hide – these are in this AA Saddlery Leather Keyrings section and are also listed separately in the alphabetical list of makes of vehicle under ‘ Russia Leather keyrings ‘ .

Over a period of 6 years J & FJ Baker gathered together everything which they could find which was known about the original hides and how they were produced in the late 18th Century by the original Russian artisans.

Rolls of the original leather recovered from the wreck of the Metta Catherina were studied and research was carried out into what is know of the original tanning techniques and the materials which the original Russian artisans would have had available to them .

As a result of the study – premium locally sourced hides are soaked in pits of lime followed by soakings in pits containing oak, willow & birch bark for many months .

Treatments of birch tar oil ( which gives the leather much of the smoky aroma of the original leather ) and other natural oils & greases follow.

This has resulted in a leather exhibiting the original hand applied cross hatch grain and very closely resembles and handles like the original Russia leather .